U.S. tests: 2 (3 devices)
Russian tests: 2 (5 devices)
Total Yield: 290.5 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 - ‘89’ detonated 2,170 feet (660m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time after being air-dropped with a yield of 16 kilotons. 84th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4227, 77.7231.
1965 - ‘Moa’ and ‘Screamer’ detonated simultaneously in separate but adjacent vertical shafts 990 feet (302m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 20:08 GMT with yields of 2.5 and 9 kilotons respectively from the two LANL devices during Operation Flintlock. ‘Moa’ was a weapons development device and ‘Screamer’ a weapons effects test which left a 505 foot (153m) diameter subsidence crater and vented 63,000 curies of radioactive iodine, krypton, cesium and xenon for 25 hours following detonation during an uncontrolled test release.
427th U.S. test.
Moa’ coordinates: 37.0373, -116.01472
Screamer’ coordinates: 37.02292, -116.00987.
1977 - ‘547’, ‘548’, ‘549’ and ‘550’ detonated simultaneously in a tunnel 2,000 feet (600m) beneath Novaya Zemlya at 02:59 GMT with a combined yield of 120 kilotons from the four weapons development devices, causing a 5.71 magnitude ground shock. 467th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.339, 54.619.
1983 - ‘Chancellor’ detonated 2,046 feet (623m) beneath Pahute Mesa at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 143 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device, causing a 5.5 magnitude ground shock. 930th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.27272, -116.35591.

Russian tests: 7 (8 devices)
U.S. tests: 2
British tests: 1
Total Yield: 1,181.5 kilotons.
The Details:
1956 - ‘33’ detonated 3,440 feet (1,050m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 51 kilotons from the weapons development device after being airdropped. 30th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1957 - ‘Galileo’ detonated atop a 490 foot (150m) tower on Yucca Flat area T1 at 12:40 GMT with a yield of 11 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device, a diagnostic and exploratory test of a boosted fission device, during Operation Plumbbob, spewing 1.9 million curies of iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 106th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.053, -116.1034.
Side Note: Part of preparing the country for nuclear war meant preparing military personnel to respond to a nuclear attack without succumbing to the shock or fear of having witnessed a nuclear detonation. As part of the 'Galileo' detonation 100 military personnel from the 82nd Airborne Division were placed in trenches 4,500 yards (2.55 miles) from Ground Zero. Named 'Task Force BIG BANG' these troops would observe the detonation, then be required to perform various activities under observation by Human Resources Research Office personnel.
Immediately after the blast wave passed, the men of Task Force Big Bang donned masks and performed rifle disassembly and assembly tests. Then they took a brief break to breakfast on assault rations while a small group tested that the infiltration test course was sufficiently cleared of radiation from the Smoky shot two days prior. The area deemed safe for at least one hour entry, Task Force Big Bang moved on, clearing the practice minefield before proceeding to the 206-foot long infiltration course.
In groups of four or five, the men walked 29 feet until they reached a barbed wire wall. Passing underneath it, they continued to crawl under nearly 50 feet of low barbed wire. This obstacle cleared, they sprinted 20 feet and dove into a foxhole where they hid from an absent enemy for ten seconds. Once the ten seconds had passed, they leapt from the foxhole and sprinted 26 feet to another barrier under which they had to crawl. This barrier cleared, they sprinted the final 50 feet to a wall made of smooth wires at which point they lobbed two practice grenades into a 4 square foot pit 36 feet away. Their grenades thrown, each man finished the course by giving his name to the test supervisor. The whole setup was designed to mimic actions taken after an attack, and their efficiency would be measured against a pre-blast performance standard.
The average dose received by Task Force BIG BANG participants was 1.9 roentgens with the highest readings between 2.5 and 3.2 roentgens.
1958 - ‘Grapple-Z/Flagpole-1’ detonated 9,350 feet (2,850m) above the Christmas Island area at 17:24 GMT with a yield of 1,000 kilotons after being air-dropped. 19th British test. Coordinates: 1.66932, -157.22742. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IPKls4XIvA
1962 - ‘168’ detonated 4,300 feet (1,300m) above Novaya Zemlya at an unspecified time with a yield of 80 kilotons from the weapons development device. 163rd Russian test. Coordinates: 73, 55.
1967 - ‘284’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 04:04 GMT with a yield of 0.7 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.1 magnitude ground shock. 271st Russian test. Coordinates: 49.74487, 78.02234.
1969 - ‘Grifon-1’ detonated in a vertical shaft 3,970 feet (1,210m) beneath Perm, Russia at 04:59 GMT with a yield of 7.6 kilotons as part of an oil stimulation test. 304th Russian test. Coordinates: 57.22, 55.393.
1972 - ‘412’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Sary-Uzen, Semipalatinsk at 08:56 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 4.1 magnitude ground shock. 369th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.96002, 77.64146.
1981 – ‘Geliy-1’ detonated in a vertical shaft 6,860 feet (2,090m) beneath Perm, Russia at 04:00 GMT with a yield of 3.2 kilotons as part of an oil stimulation test, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock. 576th Russian test. Coordinates: 60.6, 55.7.
1982 - ‘Cerro’ detonated in a vertical shaft 750 feet (228m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Praetorian. 911th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0197, -116.0164.
1989 - ’969’ and ‘970’ detonated simultaneously in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 04:16 GMT with a combined yield of 6 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 4.94 magnitude ground shock. 712th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.00583, 78.98556.

Russian tests: 1
Total Yield: 5.8 kilotons.
The Details:
1953 - ‘Joe-6’ detonated 836 feet (255m) above the Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 5.8 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air dropped. 6th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 3
Total Yield: 40.45 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 - ‘90’ detonated 2,378 feet (725m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at 05:00 GMT with a yield of 9 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 85th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.45, 77.74.
1964 - ‘Guanay’ detonated in a vertical shaft 853 feet (260m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 18:15 GMT with a yield of 12 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Whetstone, leaving a 450 foot (137m) diameter subsidence crater. 381st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.01757, -116.02343.
1972 -’Dnepr-1’ detonated in a tunnel 426 feet (130m) beneath Murmansk, Russia with a yield of 2.1 kilotons. It was peaceful nuclear explosion (PNE) exploring the use of nuclear weapons for industrial purposes, more specifically, ore crushing technology. 370th Russian test. Coordinates: 67.79105, 33.60823.
1981 - ‘Trebiano’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,002 feet (305m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Guardian, creating a 98 foot (30m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 200 curies of Iodine-131 and Xenon-133 during drill-back operations. 892nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.05806, -116.04894.
1982 - ‘Rift-1’ detonated 3,148 feet (960m) beneath Yamalo-Nenets, Russia at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 16 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.3 magnitude ground shock. 595th Russian test. Coordinates: 69.2, 81.65.
1986 - ‘Galveston’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,597 feet (487m) beneath Pahute Mesa area U19 at 16:09 GMT with a yield of 0.35 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during operation Charioteer, causing a 3.5 magnitude ground shock. 984th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.23968, -116.36864.

Russian tests: 3 (4 devices)
French tests: 1
Total Yield: 134 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 - ‘91’ detonated 2,330 feet (710m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at 06:00 GMT with a yield of 16 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 86th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.45, 77.74.
1968 - ‘306’ detonated in a tunnel with Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 04:05:59 GMT with a yield of 32 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 5.5 magnitude ground shock. 289th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7416, 78.0756.
1977 - ‘552’ and ‘553’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 03:02 GMT with a combined yield of 78 kilotons from the two devices, ‘552’ - weapons development, ‘553’ - fundamental science, causing a 5.73 magnitude ground shock. 468th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.05666, 78.93845.
1995 - ‘Téthys’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Mururoa Atoll lagoon at 21:29 GMT with a yield of 8 kilotons, causing a 4.93 magnitude ground shock. 205th French nuclear test. Coordinates: -21.83918, -138.8546.

U.S. tests: 7
Russian tests: 7
Total Yield: 333.298 kilotons.
The Details:
1957 - ‘Wheeler’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 490 feet (150m) above Yucca Flat area B9 at 12:45 GMT with a yield of 0.197 kilotons (197 tons) from the LLNL weapons development device, an XW-51 air-to-air warhead progenitor, during Operation Plumbbob, venting 29,000 curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 107th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1347, -116.0417.
-- Eight hours and twenty minutes later at 20:05 GMT, ‘Coulomb-B’ detonated on the surface of Yucca Flat area S3 with a yield of 0.3 kilotons (300 tons) from the LANL device as part of a one-point safety test during Operation Plumbbob, venting 42,000 curies of Iodine-131 and scattering toxic plutonium and alpha particles measuring 12 roentgens for over a quarter mile downwind. 108th U.S. nuclear test. Coordinates: 37.04300, -116.02600.
1958 - ‘Argus III’ detonated atop a rocket 102 miles (164km) above the South Atlantic at 22:13 GMT with a yield of 1.5 kilotons from the LANL device in the 3rd clandestine nuclear test of weapons effects to the Van Allen Radiation Belt during Operation Argus. 157th U.S. detonation. Coordinates: -48.50000, -9.70000.
1961 - ‘92’ detonated 2,247 feet (685m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 1.1 kilotons from the weapons development device. 87th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
-- Later that day, ‘Groza’ was launched atop a R-5M anti-ballistic missiles rocket from Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan and detonated 14 miles (23km) above the Missile Test Range with a yield of 10.5 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test. 88th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 48.56956, 45.90346.
Detonation coordinates: 48.4, 45.8
1962 - ‘Raritan’ detonated in a vertical shaft 516 feet (157m) beneath Yucca Flat area U9 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Storax, leaving a 196 foot diameter subsidence crater and venting 1,200 curies of radiation for 8 hours during drill-back operations from the post-shot hole casing. 276th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13026, -116.04561.
1962 – ‘Unnumbered #4’ detonated on the surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.001 kilotons as part of a safety test. 163-1/2 Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8
1968 - ‘Noggin’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,908 feet (581m) beneath Yucca Flat area U9 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 120 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Bowline, causing a 5.6 magnitude ground shock, leaving a 984 foot (300m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 16 curies of Xenons over a period of 3 hours from the drill-back ventilation system. 574th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13597, -116.04824.
1970 – ‘354’ and ‘355’ detonated simultaneously in separate tunnels within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 04:02 GMT with a combined yield of 34 kilotons from the two devices, causing a 5.33 magnitude ground shock.
‘354’ coordinates: 49.79349, 78.00537. Weapons development device. 325th Russian test.
‘355’ coordinates: 49.75975, 78.00533. Peaceful research device. 326th Russian test.
1975 - ‘Marsh’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,401 feet (427m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 7 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device as the first test of during Operation Anvil, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock and leaving a 688 foot (210m) diameter subsidence crater. 780th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02362, -116.02909.
1979 - ‘Hearts’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,099 feet (640m) beneath Yucca Flat area U4 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 140 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Quicksilver, causing a 5.8 magnitude ground shock and leaving a 984 foot (300m) diameter subsidence crater. 860th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.08806, -116.05356.
Side Note: The detonation of ‘Hearts’ destroyed the ‘Transom’ device in an adjacent shaft at a depth of 2,100 feet which had failed to detonate on May 10, 1978 during Operation Cresset. Coordinates 37.08778, -116.05263.
1979 - ‘Kimberlit-3’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,968 feet (600m) beneath the Krasnoyarsk, Russia at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 8.5 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock. 529th Russian test. Coordinates: 64.11, 99.562.
1988 - ‘Rubin-1’ detonated 2,600 feet (800m) beneath Arkhangelsk, Russia at 16:19:59 GMT with a yield of 8.5 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test. 700th Russian test. Coordinates: 61.35986, 48.09263.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 2
Total Yield: 58.6 kilotons.
The Details:
1957 – ‘46’ detonated atop a 50 foot (15m) tower on the shore of Chernaya Guba (Black Bay), Novaya Zemlya at 08:00 GMT with a yield of 32 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test studying radiation effects on ships anchored in the bay. The resulting crater was 262 feet (80m) in diameter and 49 feet (15m) deep. Ground Zero was contaminated at 40,000 Roentgen/hour. 43rd Russian test. Coordinates: 70.72333, 54.6963.
Side Note: Between 1955 and 1962, the Soviets conducted five nuclear tests within Chernaya Guba: Three underwater detonations, one above water, and this one on the land surface 100 meters inland from the coast. This was the experimental field for studying the influence of gamma-radiation on naval equipment, animals and other physical experiments.
For this day's detonation, many “targets” (e.g., animals, warships, and other military objects) were deployed both in the water and on land. The test resulted in significant radioactive contamination; an hour after the explosion the intensity of gamma radiation near the epicenter was 40,000 roentgen per hour. This detonation along with the four others permanently contaminated the bay and access to it is still not permitted.
1966 – ‘262’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 03:51 GMT with a yield of 4.6 kilotons as part of a fundamental science test, causing a 4.8 magnitude ground shock. 254th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.8288, 78.0637.
1967 – ‘Yard’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,708 feet (520m) beneath Yucca Flat area U10 at 13:45 GMT with a yield of 22 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Crosstie, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock, leaving a 1,145 foot (352m) diameter subsidence crater, and venting 0.3 curies of Xenon for 5 minutes during drill-back operations. 514th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.15301, -116.0536.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 3
French tests: 1
Total Yield: 3,195.2 kilotons.
The Details
1953 - ‘8’ detonated 720 feet (220m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 1.6 kilotons after the weapons development device was air-dropped. 7th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1957 - ‘LaPlace’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 750 feet (230m) above Yucca Flat area B7 at 12:59 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the LANL W33 weapons development device, “Fleegle”- a gun-type all-oralloy warhead, during Operation Plumbbob, spewing 140,000 curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 109th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0866, -116.0245.
1962 - ‘Tyulpan ’ detonated 5,658 feet (1,725m) above Area C, Novaya Zemlya at 10:17 GMT with a yield of 1,900 kilotons from the Anti-Ballistic Missile device launched on an R-14 missile from Zabaykalsky, Russia, flying over 2,200 miles (3,600km) across Siberia before detonating, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock. 164th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 51.91335, 113.13053.
Detonation coordinates: 73.7, 53.8
1968 - ‘Procyon’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 2,300 feet (700m) above Dindon zone, Moruroa Atoll at 19:00 GMT with a yield of 1,280 kilotons, causing a 4.91 magnitude ground shock. 31st French test. 31st French test. Coordinates: -21.821, -138.975.
1969 - ‘Grifon-2’ detonated in a vertical shaft 3,970 feet (1,210m) beneath the Perm area of Russia at 04:59 GMT with a yield of 7.6 kilotons as part of a gas stimulation experiment, causing a 4.8 magnitude ground shock. 305th Russian test. Coordinates: 57.22, 55.417.
1979 - ‘Pera’ detonated in a vertical shaft 660 feet (200m) beneath Yucca Flat area U10 at 17:02 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Quicksilver, leaving a 394 foot (120m) diameter subsidence crater. 861st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.15495, -116.03906.

Russian tests: 2 (5 devices)
Total Yield: 6.38 kilotons.
The Details
1961 - ‘94’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time as part of a one-point safety test with a yield of 0.38 kilotons, an obvious failure. 89th Russian detonation. Coordinates: 50.378, 77.855.
1984 - ‘853,’ ‘854,’ ‘855’ and ‘856’ detonated simultaneously in the same tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk with a combined yield of 6 kilotons from the four devices as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 4.89 magnitude ground shock. 648th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.806, 78.0997.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 6
British tests: 1
Total Yield: 2,829.58 kilotons.
The Details
1953 - ‘Joe-7’ detonated 850 feet (260m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 4.9 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 9th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1956 - ‘34’ detonated 1,120 feet (340m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 38 kilotons from the weapons development device. 31st Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1961 - ‘95’ detonated 6,600 feet (2,000m) above Area C, Novaya Zemlya at 09:00 GMT with a yield of 2,700 kilotons from the thermonuclear weapons development device after being air-dropped by a TU-95 bomber over Battlefield D-2, near Mityushika Bay, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock. 90th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.75, 54.3.
- - Two hours later at 11:00 GMT, ‘96’ detonated atop a R-11M rocket 1,279 feet (390m) above Area A, Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemlya with a yield of 12 kilotons from the weapons development device named “Volga.” 91st Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 71.61667, 52.47833.
Detonation coordinates: 70.7, 54.6
-- Later that day at an unspecified time, ‘97’ detonated 590 feet (180m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site with a yield of 0.88 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 92nd USSR detonation. Coordinates: 50, 78.
1965 - ‘Charcoal’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,494 feet (455m) beneath Yucca Flat area U7 at 17:12 GMT with a yield of 29 kilotons from the British weapons development device, a possible Polaris missile warhead, during Operation Flintlock, causing a 5.16 magnitude ground shock and leaving a 977 foot (298m) diameter subsidence crater. 26th British test. Coordinates: 37.07797, -116.01745.
1969 - ‘Rulison’ detonated in a vertical shaft 8,430 feet (2,570m) beneath Grand Valley, Colorado at 21:00 GMT with a yield of 40 kilotons from the LANL device during Operation Mandrel, causing a 5.3 magnitude ground shock and numerous rock slides in the surrounding mountains. This was a Project Plowshares peaceful purposes test to explore the possibility of stimulating natural gas production using nuclear explosives to fracture the shale, theoretically releasing more gas. Gas production at 'Rulison' did increase although less than the expected 455 million cubic feet. Unfortunately, the gas was contaminated with radioactive tritium, krypton-85 and carbon-14, and could not be used commercially. Another one of the "duh" moments 608th U.S. nuclear detonation. Coordinates: 39.40580, -107.94810.
1977 - ‘Meteorit-4’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,770 feet (540m) beneath Irkutsk, Russia at 16:00 GMT with a yield of 4.8 kilotons as part of an industrial seismic probing program. 469th Russian test. Coordinates: 57.251, 106.551.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 3 (4 devices)
French tests: 1
British Tests: 1
Total Yield: 919.28 kilotons.
The Details:
1958 - ‘Grapple Z/Halliard 1’ detonated 8,692 feet (2,650 meters, 1-1/2 miles) above Christmas Island at 17:49 GMT with a yield of 800 kilotons after being air-dropped during Operation Grapple Z. 20th British nuclear detonation. Coordinates: 1.67000, -157.25000.
1961 - ‘98’ detonated 590 feet (180m) above the Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.88 kilotons. 93rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.00000, 78.00000.
1964 - ‘Spoon’ detonated in a vertical shaft 587 feet (179m) beneath Yucca Flat at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 0.2 kilotons from the LLNL device during Operation Whetstone, causing a 3.3 magnitude ground shock, and venting 390 curies of radiation during drillback operations. 382nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11400, -116.02500.
1966 - ‘Betelguese’ detonated beneath a balloon 1,541 feet (470 meters) above Mururoa Atoll at 17:30 GMT with a yield of 110 kilotons. 21st French Test. Coordinates: -21.83000, -138.88000.
1969 - ‘328’ and ‘329’ detonated simultaneously in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 04:02 GMT with a combined yield of 6.2 kilotons from the two device, causing a 4.91 magnitude ground shock. 306th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.77778, 77.98639.
1983 - ‘Dynamika’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 06:33:13 GMT with a yield of 1.9 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 4.48 magnitude ground shock. 617th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.78472, 78.08417.
1986 - ‘Aleman’ detonated in a verical shaft 1,648 feet (502) meters beneath Yucca Flat at 14:57 GMT with a yield of 0.1 kilotons from the LANL device during Operation Charioteer. 985th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.06908, -116.04969.

U.S. tests: 4
Russian tests: 3
Total Yield: 4,982.918 kilotons.
The Details
1958 – ‘Otero’ detonated in a vertical shaft 492 feet (150m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 in an unstemmed shaft at 20:00 GMT with a yield of 0.038 kilotons (38 tons) from the LANL device as part of a safety test of the XW-54 warhead and the first test in a series of 37 detonations during Operation Hardtack II, venting 6,000 curies of radioactive matter. The test was a failure as no more than two pounds of nuclear yield was acceptable. 158th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04985, -116.03255.
1961 – ‘99’ detonated atop a R-13 missile launched from Vorkuta Sovietski Air base 3,900 feet (1,190m) above Mitushika Bay, Novaya Zemlya at 10:09 GMT with a yield of 1.15 megatons from the weapons development device as part of an anti-ballistic missile test, causing a 4.3 magnitude ground shock. 94th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 67.46441, 64.30266.
Detonation coordinates: 74.2, 52.1
1966 – ‘Derringer’ detonated in a vertical shaft 826 feet (255m) beneath Frenchman Flat area U5 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 7.8 kilotons from the LANL device as part of a weapons effects tests during Operation Latchkey, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock and venting 12,000 curies of effluents including noble gases and radioiodines from the shaft area of surface ground zero over a period of 48 hours and were detected off-site. 472nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 36.87595, -115.95136.
1968 – ‘Knife A’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,089 feet (331m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Bowline, causing a 5.8 magnitude ground shock and leaving a 393 foot (120m) diameter subsidence crater. 562nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03178, -116.01237.
1969 – ‘Minute Steak’ detonated in a vertical shaft 866 feet (264m) beneath Frenchman Flat area U11 at 18:02 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a weapons effects test during Operation Mandrel, causing a 4.5 magnitude ground shock, leaving a 226 foot (69m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 8,400 curies of radioactive xenon, radioiodines and cesium from surface ground zero seepage for 4 hours after detonation. 609th U.S. test. Coordinates: 36.87718, -115.92936.
1973 – ‘431,’ ‘432,’ ‘433’ and ‘434’ detonated simultaneously in a tunnel 4,900 feet (1,500m) beneath Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya at 06:59 GMT with a combined yield of 3.8 megatons from the four weapons development devices, causing a 6.97 magnitude ground shock resulting in a landslide of 80 million tons of rock on Novaya Zemlya and the venting of radionuclides. 385th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.32819, 54.97485.
1978 – ‘598 “Galit”’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,000 feet (600m) beneath Bolshoy Azgir, Kazakhstan at 04:59 GMT with a yield of 0.08 kilotons as part of a cavity formation experiment for gas storage. It was a fizzle. 495th Russian test. Coordinates: 47.909, 47.912.

U.S. tests: 4
Russian tests: 5
French tests: 1
Chinese tests: 1
Total Yield: 476.9 kilotons.
The Details
1957 - ‘47’ detonated 2,560 feet (780m) above the Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 5.9 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 44th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1961 - ‘100’ detonated atop a rocket 820 feet (250m) above Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemyla at 04:00 GMT with a yield of 6 kilotons after being launched from the Kola Peninsula Launch Area (Barents Sea). 95th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 70, 40.
Detonation coordinates: 70.87, 53.33
-- One hour and one minute later at 05:01 GMT, ‘101’ detonated 2,330 feet (710m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site with a yield of 10 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 96th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.45, 77.75.
1963 - ‘Ahtanum’ detonated in a vertical shaft 740 feet (225m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 13:53 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Niblick, leaving a 30 foot (9m) subsidence crater and venting 35 curies of radioactive xenon during for 4 hours during drill-back operations. 335th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16333, -116.08157.
-- Three hours and seven minutes later at 17:00 GMT, ‘Bilby’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,345 feet (715m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 with a yield of 249 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device, causing a 5.8 magnitude ground shock that was felt 80 miles away in Las Vegas, leaving a 1,607 foot (490m) subsidence crater and venting 1 curie of xenon and a trace of iodine. 336th U.S. detonation. Coordinates: 37.06053, -116.02237.
1973 - ‘Vesta’ detonated on the dry surface of Colette area, Moruroa Atoll at 15:42 GMT with a yield of ZERO from the device as part of a one-point safety test, scattering plutonium over a wide area. 54th French test. Coordinates: -21.79000, -138.91000.
1974 - ‘463’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 03:03 GMT with a yield of 14 kilotons from the device as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 408th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7653, 78.0549.
1978 - ‘Diablo Hawk’ detonated in a tunnel 1,273 feet (388m) beneath Rainier Mesa at 15:15 GMT with a yield of 8 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a Department of Defense weapons effects test on a W-87 warhead during Operation Cresset, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock. 841st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.20875, -116.21165.
1981 - ‘737’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 02:17 GMT with a yield of 150 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 6.06 magnitude ground shock. 577th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.91478, 78.89416.
1979 – A nuclear device was parachute-dropped by a Chinese aircraft over Area D (Drop Area), Lop Nur, China but the parachute system failed and the bomb impacted without detonation. 27th Chinese nuclear test. Coordinates: 41.5, 88.5.
1984 - ‘Breton’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,584 feet (483m) beneath Yucca Flat area U4 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 33 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during the last detonation during Operation Fusileer, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. leaving a 754 foot (230m) diameter subsidence crater, and venting 4 curies of xenon and tritium. 951st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.08639, -116.0724.

U.S. tests: 4
Russian tests: 5
French tests: 1
British tests: 1
Total Yield: 2,050.33 kilotons.
The Details:
1954 - ‘Joe-8’ detonated 1,150 feet (350m) above Orenberg, Russia at 06:33 GMT with a yield of 40 kilotons from the RDS-3 device after being air-dropped as part of a military exercise known as the Totsk test using a nuclear detonation for realism with no warning to civilians in the area resulting in an unknown number of injuries.. 9th Russian test. Coordinates: 52.64418, 52.80547.
1961 - ‘102’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at 05:59 GMT with a yield of 0.4 kilotons from the weapons development device. 97th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.35, 77.82.
-- The same day at 09:56 GMT, ‘103’ detonated atop a R-13 ballistic missile 5,600 feet (1,700m) above Mitskuya Bay, Novaya Zemlya with a yield of 1.2 megatons after being launched from the Kola Peninsula. 98th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 70.5, 39.5
Detonation coordinates: 74.6, 51.1.
1957 - ‘Fizeau’ detonated atop a 500 foot (150m) tower on Yucca Flat area T3 at 16:44 GMT with a yield of 11 kilotons from the LANL boosted fission device, possibly an XW-34 depth bomb, during Operation Plumbbob, spewing 1.7 million curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 110th U.S test. Coordinates: 37.0336, -116.0323.
Side Notes:
- ‘Fizeau’ included Project 41.2 which was a weapons vulnerability experiment in which “hardened” nuclear devices developed by Sandia Laboratories were placed on towers within several hundred feet of the ‘Fizeau’ tower to see if they would detonate from the effects of ‘Fizeau.’
- The mining community of Lincoln Mine located 35 miles north of the test site was evacuated prior to the detonation of ‘Fizeau’ as a precaution because the fallout cloud was predicted to go across it.
1957 - ‘Antler Round 1/Tadje’ detonated atop a 100 foot (31m) tower on the Maralinga test site in South Australia at 05:05 GMT with a yield of 0.93 kilotons from the weapons development device known as ‘Pixie’ during Operation Antler. Initially incorrectly reported as a Cobalt-salted device, the test was regarded as a failure. 13th British test. Coordinates: -29.8898, 131.6467.
1962 - ‘Hyrax’ detonated in a vertical shaft 710 feet (216m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 17:10 GMT with a yield of 6 kilotons from the LANL device during Operation Storax, causing a 5.4 magnitude ground shock, creating a 508 foot (155m) diameter subsidence crater, and venting a small amount of radioiodine during drill-back operations. 277th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04389, -116.02186.
1974 - ‘Verseau’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 1,420 feet (433m) above the Dindon Zone, Moruroa Atoll with a yield of 332 kilotons from the weapons development thermonuclear device. 63rd French detonation. Coordinates: -21.871, -139.01.
1980 - ‘695’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 02:42 GMT with a yield of 200 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 6.21 magnitude ground shock. 554th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.93724, 78.79659.
1988 - ‘Shagan’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 04:00 GMT with a yield of 150 kilotons as part of a joint verification test. 701st Russian test. 49.87867, 78.82301.
1989 - ‘Disko Elm’ detonated in a tunnel 850 feet (260m) beneath Rainier Mesa with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a Department of Defense weapons effects test during the final detonation of Operation Cornerstone, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock, and venting krypton and xenon during gas sampling operations and controlled ventilation of the tunnel. 1,027th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.23589, -116.16374.
1991 - ‘Hoya’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,158 feet (658m) beneath Pahute Mesa area U20 at 19:00 GMT with a yield of 100 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device as part of a treaty verification test during Operation Sculpin, causing a 5.5 magnitude ground shock. 1,045th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.22558, -116.42902.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 2
Total Yield: 3,189.6 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 - ‘Antler’ detonated in a tunnel 1,318 feet (402m) beneath Rainier Mesa area U12 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 2.6 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Nougat, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock and venting 210,000 curies of radioiodine, barium and lanthanum which were detected off-site. 195th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1879, -116.20863.
Side Note: ‘Antler’ was a test of the W-45 variable yield warhead (0.5, 1, 5, 8, 10, and 15 kilotons) used in various weapons including the Medium Atomic Demolition Munition (MADM), Little John Surface to Surface Missile, Terrier Surface to Air Missile, and Bullpup Anti-Submarine missile.
1962 - ‘171’ detonated 7,380 feet (2,250m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:02 GMT with a yield of 3.2 megatons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock. 165th Russian test. Coordinates: 74.4, 51.5.
1967 - ‘Gilroy’ detonated 787 feet (240m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 17:30 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Crosstie, venting a small amount of radioiodine during drill-back operations. 515th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03484, -116.0216.
1977 - ‘Ebbtide’ detonated 1,245 feet (379m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:36 GMT with a yield of 6 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Fulcrum, causing a 4.5 magnitude ground shock and leaving a 492 foot (150m) subsidence crater. 820th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03274, -116.044.
1978 - ‘599’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at 02:36 GMT with a yield of 81 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.89 magnitude ground shock. 496th Russian detonation. Coordinates: 49.92944, 78.8614.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 4
Total Yield: 4,958.3 kilotons.
The Details
1957 - ‘Newton’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 1,510 feet (460m) above Yucca Flat area B7 at 12:49 GMT with a yield of 12 kilotons from the LANL XW-31 variant, a boosted fission thermonuclear device which essentially fizzled as the design yield was 50-70 kilotons, during Operation Plumbbob, spewing 2.1 million curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. The mushroom cloud rose to 27,000 feet and drifted northeast over Utah, eventually crossing over New England. 111th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0866, -116.0245.
1961 - ‘Shrew’ detonated in a vertical shaft 321 feet (98m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 19:45 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device, a XW-54, during Operation Nougat, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock and venting radioactive steam and gases from surface ground zero for a period of 2 hours after detonation. The isotopes released were undetermined. 196th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04844, -116.03281.
Side Note: The W-54 physics package was used in three delivery systems.
1961 - ‘104’ detonated atop a rocket 4,330 feet (1,320m) above Mityushikha Bay, Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 09:08 GMT with a yield of 830 kilotons from the weapons development device after being launched on an R-12 rocket from Vorkuta Sovietski Air base. 99th Soviet detonation.
Launch coordinates: 67.46441, 64.30266.
Detonation coordinates: 73.75, 54.3.
1962 - ‘172’ detonated 7,380 feet (2,250m) above Mityushikha Bay, Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 10:59 GMT with a yield of after being air-dropped with a yield of 3.3 megatons, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock. 166th Russian test. Coordinates: 74.2, 51.6.
1967 - ‘285’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Sary-Uzen, Semipalatinsk at 04:04 GMT with a yield of 16 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.25 magnitude ground shock. 272nd Soviet detonation. Coordinates: 49.93769, 77.72794.
1969 - ‘Jorum’ detonated in a vertical shaft 3,800 feet (1,158m) beneath Pahute Mesa at 14:30 GMT with a yield of 800 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Mandrel, causing a 6.2 magnitude ground shock. 610th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.31408, -116.46156.
1979 - ‘Klivazh (Cleavage)’ detonated in the Yunkom Mine, 3,000 feet (900m) beneath Donetsk, Ukraine with a yield of 0.3 kilotons as part of a peaceful industrial applications detonation. 530th Soviet detonation. Coordinates: 48.21336, 38.28162.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 3
Chinese tests: 1
Total Yield: 83.015 kilotons.
The Details
1958 - ‘Bernalillo’ detonated 490 feet (150m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 in an unstemmed vertical shaft at 19:30 GMT with a yield of 0.015 kilotons from the XW-54 device as part of a one-point safety test during Operation Hardtack II. Yield exceeded allowable limits. This was a repeat of ‘Otero’ test on September 12 which also failed. 159th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04940, -116.03300.
1961 -‘105’ detonated 2,280 feet (695m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at 07:00 GMT with a yield of 21 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 100th Soviet detonation. Coordinates: 50.45, 77.75.
1965 - ‘248’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 04:00 GMT with a yield of 15 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.22 magnitude ground shock. 240th Soviet detonation. Coordinates: 49.8116, 78.1467.
1965 - ‘Elkhart’ detonated in a vertical shaft 720 feet (219m) beneath Yucca Flat Area U9 at 15:08 GMT with a yield of 6 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Flintlock, leaving a 413 foot (126m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 560 curies of radiation over a period of 2-3/4 days during drill-back operations. 429th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11098, -116.03548.
1968 - ‘Stoddard’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,535 feet (467m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 31 kilotons from the LLNL peaceful purposes device during Operation Bowline, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock, leaving a 682 foot (208m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 16 curies of Xenon during drill-back operations. This was a Plowshares excavation development device experiment. 563rd U.S. detonation. 37.11981, -116.12835.
1977 – A nuclear device detonated 2,648 feet (807m) above Area D (Drop Area), Lop Nur test range, China at 07:00 GMT with an unknown yield from the weapons development device. 22nd Chinese test. Coordinates: 41.5, 88.5
1984 - ‘Kvarts-4’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,836 feet (560m) beneath Kemerovo, Russia at 21:00 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 649th Russian test. Coordinates: 55.834, 87.526.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 7 (8 devices)
Total Yield: 2,433.854 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 - ‘106’ detonated 4,900 feet (1,500m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 07:59 GMT with a yield of 1 megaton from the thermonuclear device after it was delivered either by bomber or a missile launched from Chita, Russia. 101st Russian test. Coordinates: 73.75, 54.3.
-- The same day at an unspecified time, ‘107’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site with a yield of 0.004 kilotons as part of a one-point safety test. 102nd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.3782, 77.8373.
-- The same day at an unspecified time, ‘108’ detonated above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site a with a yield of 0.75 kilotons from the weapons development device. 103rd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1962 - ‘173’ detonated 6,600 feet (2,000m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:29 GMT with a yield of 1.4 megatons from the air-dropped thermonuclear device. 167th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
-- Later the same day at an unspecified time, ‘174’ detonated 920 feet (280m) over Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk with a yield of 10 kilotons from the device. Unnumbered #5 Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8
1964 - ‘234’ detonated in a tunnel 430 feet (130m) beneath Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya at 08:00 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the fundamental science device, causing a 4.19 magnitude ground shock and venting 3,800 curies of radionuclides. 227th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.667, 54.533.
1987 - ‘924’ and ‘925’ detonated simultaneously in the same tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 02:32 GMT with a combined yield of 1.1 kilotons, causing a 4.3 magnitude ground shock. ‘924’ was a weapons development device, ‘925’ a safety test. 685th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.80444, 78.08750.
1992 - ‘Hunters Trophy’ detonated in a tunnel 1,263 feet (385m) beneath Rainier Mesa area U12 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test to validate the radiation hardness of space and high altitude systems, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock and venting Xenon, Argon, Krypton and Tritium over a period of several hours during gas sampling operations. 1,053rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.02068, -116.20998.
Side Note: ‘Hunters Trophy’ was the next to last nuclear device test conducted by the United States.

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests: 4
Total Yield: 10,068.613 kilotons.
The Details:
1957 - ‘Rainier’ detonated in a tunnel 895 feet (272m) beneath Rainier Mesa area U12 at 16:59 GMT with a yield of 1.7 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device, a full-scale W-25 warhead proof test, during Operation Plumbbob. 112th U.S. detonation. Coordinates: 37.19580, -116.20310.
Side Note: ‘Rainier’ was the first underground nuclear test conducted at the Nevada Test Site to evaluate the containment of the nuclear detonation and fission by-products in an underground test. ‘Rainier’ formed a chimney of broken rock which provided data on possible underground engineering applications using nuclear explosives.
1958 - ‘Eddy’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 490 feet (150m) above Yucca Flat area 7 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 0.083 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Hardtack II, spewing 12,000 curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. 160th U.S. detonation. Coordinates: 37.0866, -116.0245.
1961 - ‘109’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.03 kilotons as part of a one-point safety test. 104th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.3782, 77.8373.
1962 - ‘175’ detonated 10,760 feet (3,280m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 11:00 GMT with a yield of 10 megatons from the thermonuclear weapons development device, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock. 168th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.8, 53.8.
1971 - ‘Globus-1’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,000 feet (610m) beneath Ivanovo, Russia at 11:00 GMT with a yield of 2.3 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 4.5 magnitude ground shock. 344th Russian test. Coordinates: 57.50800, 42.64300.
1973 - ‘Meridian-2’ detonated in a shaft 1,300 feet (400m) beneath South Kazakhstan at 03:00 GMT with a yield of 6.3 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock. 386th Russian test. Coordinates: 45.758, 67.825.
1991 - ‘Distant Zenith’ detonated in a tunnel 865 feet (263m) beneath Rainier Mesa area U12 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 1.5 kilotons from the LANL device as part of a weapons effects test during Operation Sculpin, causing a 4.0 magnitude ground shock and venting 0.4 curies of nuclides during filtered tunnel and HLOS pipe venting, and six months later when six probes were drilled to determine the size of the cavity the detonation produced and noble gases were released unfiltered. 1,046th U.S. nuclear test. Coordinates: 37.23568, -116.16731.

U.S. tests: 3 (5 devices)
Russian tests: 4
Total Yield: 1,518.701 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 – ‘111’ detonated atop a R-11M rocket 5,248 feet (1,600m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:12 GMT with a yield of 1.5 megatons from the weapons development thermonuclear device. The anti-ballistic missile was launched from Area A, Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemlya. 106th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 71.61667, 52.47833.
Detonation coordinates: 73.52, 54.3.
-- The same day at an unspecified time, ‘110’ detonated 918 feet (280m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site with a yield of 4.8 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 105th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1962 - ‘Peba’ detonated in a vertical shaft 791 feet (241m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 11 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Storax, leaving a 560 foot (171m) subsidence crater. 278th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.05506, -116.02928.
1969 - ‘Kyack-A’ and ‘Kyack-B’ detonated simultaneously in separate but adjacent vertical shafts 629 feet (192m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 with yields of 0.8 and 1 kiloton respectively from the two LLNL weapons development devices during Operation Mandrel, causing a 3.8 magnitude ground shock, leaving 164 foot (50m) and 131 foot (40m) diameter subsidence craters respectively, and venting 510 curies of Xenon-135 from surface ground zero over a period of radiation 16 hours from ‘Kyack-B’. 611th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.15874, -116.06863 and 37.15729, -116.06677 respectively.
1973 - ‘436’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Balapan, Semipalatinsk at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.001 kilotons (1 ton) from the weapons development device. Probable fizzle. 387th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.96167, 78.85556.
1978 - ‘600’ detonated in a tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 05:03 GMT with a yield of 1.1 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 4.3 magnitude ground shock. 497th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.7934, 78.1447.
1990 - ‘Sundown-A’ and ‘Sundown-B’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft 885 feet (270m) beneath Yucca Flat area U1 at 16:15 GMT with unreported yields from both LANL devices as part of safety tests during Operation Aqueduct. 1,037th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0382, -116.05756.

U.S. tests: 5 (6 devices)
Russian tests: 7 (8 devices)
Total Yield: 2,618.4 kilotons.
The Details:
1955 - ‘Joe 17’ detonated 39 feet (12m) beneath the surface of Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemlya at a 08:00 GMT with a yield of 3.5 kilotons as part of an underwater weapons effects test. 22nd Russian test. Coordinates: 70.703, 54.6.
-- The same day at an undetermined time, ‘Unnumbered #1’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk with zero yield. Coordinates: 50.372, 77.825
Side Note: ‘Joe-17’ was a test of an RDS-9/T-5 torpedo against 30 ships arrayed around the detonation surface zero, much the same as the U.S. did during Operation Crossroads. Chyornaya Guba remains radioactive today. The detonation and results can be seen at this YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ6TB2_PGWM
1958 - ‘Luna’ detonated in an unstemmed vertical shaft 490 feet (150m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 19:00 GMT with a yield of 0.0015 kilotons (1.5 tons) from the LANL device as part of a one-point safety during Operation Hardtack II. This was a repeat test of the W-54 warhead which had failed two previous safety tests. ‘Luna’ also failed. 161st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04919, -116.03447.
1961 - ‘112’ detonated 360 feet (110m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk test site at 14:01 GMT with a yield of 0.8 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 107th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4277, 77.7231.
1962 - ‘176’ detonated 9,840 feet (3,000m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:00 GMT with a yield of 2.4 megatons from the thermonuclear weapons development device after being air-dropped. 169th Russian test. Coordinates: 73, 55.
1967 - ‘Marvel’ detonated in a vertical shaft 572 feet (174m) beneath Yucca Flat area 10 at 20:45 GMT with a yield of 2.2 kilotons from the LLNL peaceful purposes device as part of a Plowshares device emplacement technique experiment during Operation Crosstie, creating a 154 foot (47m) diameter subsidence crater and venting Krypton, Rubidium, Iodine and Xenon from a cable hole near ground zero for a period of 4 hours after detonation and also for 5 days during drill-back operations when the “blooie” line failed. 516th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16595, -116.03929.
1972 - ‘Oscuro’ detonated 1,838 feet (560m) beneath Yucca Flat area 7 at 15:30 GMT with a yield of 160 kilotons from the LANL device during Operation Toggle, causing a 5.7 magnitude ground shock and leaving a 1,348 foot (411m) diameter subsidence crater. 709th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.08201, -116.03742.
1972 - ‘Region-1’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,607 feet (490m) beneath Orenberg, Russia at 09:00 GMT with a yield of 2.3 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 371st Russian test. Coordinates: 52.118, 52.068.
1978 - ‘Kraton-2’ detonated 2,920 feet (890m) beneath Krasnoyarsk, Russia at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 15 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 498th Russian test. Coordinates: 66.59800, 86.21000.
1982 - ‘774’ and ‘775’ detonated simultaneously in the same tunnel within Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk at 02:57 GMT with a combined yield of 12 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.15 magnitude ground shock. 596th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.77917, 78.12472.
1983 - ‘Tomme/Midnight Zephyr’ detonated in a tunnel 1,325 feet (404m) beneath Rainier Mesa area 12 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LLNL device as part of a weapons effects test during Operation Phalanx. 931st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.20969, -116.21013.
-- One hour and 25 minutes later at 16:25 GMT, ‘Branco’ and ‘Branco-Herkimer’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft 961 feet (293m) beneath Yucca Flat area 2 with yields of 0.6 and 2 kilotons respectively from the LLNL devices during Operation Phalanx, causing a 3.7 magnitude ground shock. 932nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.12131, -116.05645.

U.S. tests: 2 (5 devices)
Russian tests: 7 (8 devices)
Chinese tests: 1
Israeli tests: 1
Total Yield: 294.91 kilotons.
The Details:
1961 – ‘Volga 2’ (Joe 93) detonated atop a R-11M rocket 4,300 feet (1,300m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 08:11 GMT with a yield of 260 kilotons from the weapons development device after being launched from Rogachevo airbase. 108th Russian test.
Launch coordinates: 71.61667, 52.47833.
Detonation coordinates: 73.52, 54.3.
1962 – ‘177’ detonated on the dry surface of Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk at an unspecified time with a yield of 0.21 kilotons as part of a safety test. 170th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.416, 77.74.
1967 – ‘286’ detonated in a vertical shaft beneath Sary-Uzen/Murzhik, Semipalatinsk at 05:03 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the weapons development device causing a 5.16 magnitude ground shock. 273rd Russian tes. Coordinates: 49.96006, 77.69059.
1969 – A nuclear device detonated in a tunnel beneath Area B (Qinggir), Lop Nur, China at 16:14 GMT with a yield of 19.2 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock and venting undetermined radionuclides. 9th Chinese test. Coordinates: 41.376, 88.318.
1971 - ‘Frijoles-Deming,’ ‘Frijoles-Espuela,’ ‘Frijoles-Guaje,’ and ‘Frijoles-Petaca’ detonated simultaneously in four separate but adjacent vertical shafts, each 3,891 feet (1,186 m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 14:00 GMT with a combined yield of 0.05 kilotons from the four LANL devices, two safety tests and two weapons related, during Operation Grommet, causing a 3.6 magnitude ground shock. 680th U.S. test.
‘Frijoles-Deming’ coordinates: 37.02158, -116.01694.
‘Frijoles-Espuela’ coordinates: 37.02268, -116.01707.
‘Frijoles-Guaje’ coordinates: 37.02438, -116.01603.
‘Frijoles-Petaca’ coordinates: 37.02193, -116.01963.
1979 – A U.S. Vela Hotel satellite (Vela 10 or OPS 6911) orbiting over the South Atlantic detected the double-flash typical of a nuclear detonation near Prince Edward Islands off Antarctica at 00:53 GMT. The double-flash was detected by both on-board Bhangmeter sensors that also determined the yield of the detonation to be approximately 3 kilotons. The detonation occurred during an intense storm, perhaps in an attempt to hide any evidence, but low levels of iodine-131 were detected in sheep in the southeastern Australian States of Victoria and Tasmania soon after the event, giving further credibility that it was a nuclear detonation, possibly in the hold of a ship. While never proven, it is believed this was the detonation of an Israeli nuclear device with assistance of South Africa who were also working to develop nuclear weapons with covert Israeli technical assistance. 1st Israeli test. Coordinates: -46.36, 37.57.
Side Note: Twelve Vela Hotel satellites were put into orbit in the 60s and 70s as part of the U.S. Nuclear Detonation Detection System (NDS) intended to ferret out space and atmospheric nuclear tests and their yield. Six of these satellites carried two simple optical sensors which could detect a nuclear test from the typical double-flash of light when the weapon detonates.
When these light sensors were developed, scientists were at a loss as to what to call them. During a long afternoon meeting scientist Fred Reines joking suggested the Hindu word "bhang," a locally grown variety of cannabis, would be appropriate since you would have to be on drugs to believe the simple devices would not only detect the detonation, but also the yield.
The name "Bhangmeter" stuck and Vela Hotel satellites carrying them were successful in the detection of 41 U.S.atmospheric detonations, and most notably the detonation of a clandestine Israeli/South African nuclear weapons test on September 22, 1979.
1983 – ‘Techado’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,747 feet (532m) beneath Yucca Flat area 4 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Phalanx. 933rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.10556, -116.05026.

U.S. tests: 7
British tests: 1
Total Yield: 219.01 kilotons.
The Details:
1957 - ‘Whitney’ detonated atop a 490 foot (150m) tower on Yucca Flat area 2 at 12:29 GMT with a yield of 19 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device, a boosted Swan primary in a W-47 thermonuclear system mockup, during Operation Plumbbob, spewing 2.9 million curies of Iodine-131 which eventually drifted over Illinois and down to Louisiana. 113th U.S. nuclear test. Coordinates: 37.1383, -116.1184.
1958 - ‘Mercury’ detonated in a tunnel 183 feet (55m) beneath Rainier Mesa area 12 at 22:00 GMT with a yield of 10 tons from the LLNL device as part of a one-point safety test of the XW-47 primary during Operation Hardtack II. The test was declared successful despite its nuclear yield which exceeded 4 pounds allowed. 162nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.19274, -116.20024.
1958 - ‘Grapple Z/Burgee 2’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 1,480 feet (450m) above Christmas Island at 18:00 GMT with a yield of 25 kilotons from the weapons development device. 21st British test. Coordinates: 1.75194, -157.18819.
1966 - ‘Daiquiri’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,841 feet (561m) beneath Yucca Flat area 7 at 18:00 GMT with a yield of <20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Latchkey. 473rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1033, -116.03657.
1982 - ‘Huron Landing’ and ‘Diamond Ace’ detonated in the same tunnel 1,339 feet (408m) beneath Rainier Mesa area 12 at 16:00 GMT with a combined yield of 20 kilotons from the two LANL/LLNL devices during Operation Praetorian, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock and venting 280 curies of Xenon and Krypton during controlled tunnel ventilation. 912th and 913th U.S. tests.
‘Huron Landing’ coordinates: 37.21197, -116.20765.
‘Diamond Ace’ coordinates: 37.21197, -116.20764.
-- One hour later at 17:00 GMT, ‘Frisco’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,480 feet (451m) beneath Yucca Flat area 8 with a yield of 150 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Praetorian, causing a 4.9 magnitude ground shock and venting 2 curies of Xenon during drill-back operations. 914th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1747, -116.08867.
1992 - ‘Divider’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,398 feet (426m) beneath Yucca Flat area 3 at 15:04 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during the final test of Operation Julin, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock and venting 0.1 curies of Xenon during drill-back operations. 1,054th nuclear test. THIS WAS THE LAST FULL SCALE NUCLEAR WEAPONS TEST CONDUCTED BY THE UNITED STATES.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 10 (12 devices)
French tests: 1
Total Yield: 2,115.5 kilotons.
The Details:
1951 - ‘Joe-2’ detonated atop a 100 foot (30m) tower at Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 6:19 GMT with a yield of 38.3 kilotons from the weapons development device. 2nd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.43, 77.83.
1957 - ‘45’ detonated 6.561 feet (2,000m) above Area C, Novaya Zemlya at 9:00 GMT with a yield of 1.6 megatons from the thermonuclear weapons development device after being air-dropped. This was the first air-drop of a nuclear device at Novaya Zemlya. 45th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.8, 55.4.
1962 - ‘171’ detonated 2,070 feet (630m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 1.2 kilotons from the weapons development device after being air-dropped. 171st Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8
1966 - ‘Rigel’ detonated atop a barge 10 feet (3m) above the water of Fangataufa Atoll at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 125 kilotons from the boosted fission weapons development device. 22nd French nuclear test. Coordinates: -22.23, -138.73
1968 - ‘Hudson Seal’ detonated in a tunnel 1,130 feet (344m) beneath Rainier Mesa at 17:05 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 564th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.20473, -116.20727.
1979 - ‘655’ detonated in a tunnel at Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya at 03:29:58:.75 with a yield of 130 kilotons from the weapons development test, causing a 5.77 magnitude ground shock and venting 170 curies of radiation.
- Five milliseconds later, ‘656’ and ‘657’ simultaneously detonated in the same tunnel with unknown yields from both devices. 531st Russian test. Coordinates: 73.343, 54.672.
1983 - ‘811 Vega 8T’ detonated in a vertical shaft 3.440 feet (1,050m) beneath Astrakhan, Russia at 05:00 GMT with a yield of 8.5 kilotons, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 618th Russian test. Coordinates: 46.783, 48.315.
- Five minutes later, ‘812 Vega 9T’ detonated in an adjacent vertical shaft 3,440 feet (1,050m) deep with a yield of 8.5 kilotons, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock. 619th Russian test. Coordinates: 46.78719, 48.29647.
- Five minutes later, ‘813 Vega 11T’ detonated in an adjacent vertical shaft 3,020 feet (920m) deep with a yield of 8.5 kilotons, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 620th Russian test. Coordinates: 46.76704, 48.30789.
- Five minutes later, ‘814 Vega 13T’ detonated in an adjacent shaft 3.600 feet (1,100m) deep with a yield of 8.5 kilotons, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 621st Russian test. Coordinates: 46.75002, 48.30064.
- Five minutes later, ‘815 Vega 10T’ detonated in an adjacent shaft 3,120 feet (950m) deep with a yield of 8.5 kilotons, causing a 5.4 magnitude ground shock. 622nd Russian test. Coordinates: 46.75386, 48.28686.
-Five minutes later, ‘816 Vega 12T’ detonated in an adjacent shaft 3.150 feet (1,070m) deep with a yield of 8.5 kilotons, causing a 5.3 magnitude ground shock. 623rd Russian test. Coordinates: 46.766, 48.274
Side Note: ‘Vega’ was an industrial cavity excavation experiment for the storage of natural gas.
1987 - ‘Lockney’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,015 feet (614m) beneath Pahute Mesa area 19 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 150 kilotons from the weapons development device, causing a 5.7 magnitude ground shock and venting 4 curies of iodines during drillback operations. 1,001st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.22794, -116.37559

U.S. tests: 3
Russian tests:5 (8 devices)
British tests: 2
Chinese tests: 1
Total Yield: 19,198.87 kilotons (19.2 megatons).
The Details:
1957 - ‘Antler Round 2/Biak’ detonated atop a 100 foot (30m) aluminum tower on the Maralinga Range, South Australia at 00:30 GMT with a yield of 6 kilotons from the implosion device named ' Indigo Hammer.' 14th British Test. Coordinates: -29.89262, 131.61718.
1962 - ‘179’ was detonated on the dry surface of ground zero area of the Semipalatinsk test site at an unspecified time with a yield of 7 kilotons from the weapons development device. 172nd Russian test. Coordinates: 50.456, 77.773.
1962 - ‘180’ detonated 13,418 feet (4,090m) (2-1/2 miles) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 13:02 GMT with a yield of 19,100 kilotons (19.1 megatons) from the weapons development device. 173rd Russian test.
1954 - ‘Courser’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,174 feet (358m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 17:02 GMT with ZERO yield. Fizzle? 25th United Kingdom nuclear test. Coordinates: -29.89262, 131.61718.
1974 - ‘Pratt’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,026 feet (313m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons from the weapons development device during Operation Bedrock, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock and creating a 590 foot (180m) diameter subsidence crater. 757th U.S. nuclear detonation. Coordinates: 37.01211, -116.03103.
1980 - ‘Bonardo’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,250 feet (381m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:45 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the weapons development device during Operation Tinderbox, causing a 4.6 magnitude ground shock and creating a 295 foot (90m) diameter subsidence crater. 876th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.05609, -116.0489.
1980 - ‘Riola’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,394 feet (424m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 15:26 GMT with a yield of 1.07 kilotons during Operation Tinderbox, venting 2,200 curies of Xenons, Krypton's, Tritium and mixed fission products from surface ground zero which was detected off-site. 877th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11684, -116.0659.
1980 - ‘Dynamika’ detonated in a tunnel beneath Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 6:21 GMT with a yield of 5 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 4.83 magnitude ground shock. 555th Russian nuclear detonation. Coordinates: 49.7855, 78.0805.
1982 - ‘Rift-4’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,804 feet (550m) beneath Krasnoyarsk, Russia with a yield of 8.5 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test. 597th Russian test. Coordinates: 64.35, 91.8.
1983 - ‘817’, ‘818’, ‘819’, and ‘820’ simultaneously detonated in a tunnel beneath Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya with a combined yield of 100 kilotons from the 3 weapons development and 1 weapons effect devices, causing a 5.77 magnitude ground shock and venting 41 curies of radiation. 624th Russian nuclear test. Coordinates: 73.328, 54.541.
1992 - ’39’ detonated in a tunnel at Area A, Lop Nor Test Site, China at 7:59 GMT with a yield of 8 kilotons from the thermonuclear primary for the DF-31 road-mobile ICBM . 39th Chinese nuclear test. Coordinates: 41.7167, 88.3767.

U.S. tests: 5
Russian tests:5
Chinese tests: 1
Total Yield: 496.402 kilotons.
1957 - ’49’ detonated 6,561 feet (2,000m) over Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at 05:00 GMT with a yield of 13 kilotons from the weapons development device. 46th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1958 - ‘Valencia’ detonated in an unstemmed vertical shaft 492 feet (150m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 20:00 GMT with a yield of 2 tons as part of a one-point safety test of the LANL XW-42 warhead during Operation Hardtack II. The test was declared successful even though it exceeded the allowed 2 pounds of fission yield by a factor of 1,000. Venting of radiation from the open shaft was detected. 163rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.04956, -116.03057.
1961 - ‘114’ detonated 2,182 feet (665m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site with a yield of 1.2 kilotons from the weapons development device. 109th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.45, 77.75.
1969 - '307' detonated in a vertical shaft 2,379 feet (725m) beneath Stavropol, Russia at 06:59 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons as part of an oil stimulation test. 307th Russian test. Coordinates: 45.89, 42.472.
1972 - ‘Delphinium’ detonated in a vertical shaft 967 feet (295m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 14:30 GMT with a yield of 15 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Toggle, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock and creating a 387 foot (118m) diameter subsidence crater . 710th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.12135, -116.08667.
1974 - ‘Trumbull’ detonated in a vertical shaft 862 feet (262m) beneath Yucca Flat area U4 at 14:30 GMT with a yield of 200 tons from the weapons development device during Operation Bedrock, causing a 3.3 magnitude ground shock. 758th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.09316, -116.09563
1974 - ‘Stanyan’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,880 feet (573m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 15:05 GMT with a yield of 100 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Bedrock, causing a 5.6 magnitude ground shock. 759th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.13258, -116.06926.
1976 A Chinese air-dropped thermonuclear device detonated 2,648 feet (807m) above Area D (Drop Area), Lop Nur Test Site, China at 0:600 GMT with a yield of 200 kilotons. It was a fizzle as the thermonuclear secondary did not ignite properly. 19th Chinese nuclear test.
1978 - ‘Sheepshead’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,100 feet (640m) beneath Pahute Mesa area 19 at 15:00 GMT with a yield of 140 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Quicksilver, causing a 5.6 magnitude ground shock. 862nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.22935, -116.36482.
1981 - ‘578 Vega 4T' detonated in a vertical shaft 3.440 feet (1,050m) beneath Astrakhan, Russia at 05:00 GMT with a yield of 8.5 kilotons as part of an underground cavity formation test, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 578th Russian test. Coordinates: 46.79357, 48.30856.
- Four minutes later, ‘579 Vega 2T’ detonated in an adjacent vertical shaft 3,440 feet (1,050m) deep with a yield of 8.5 kilotons as part of an underground cavity formation test. 579th Russian test. Coordinates: 46.77591, 48.30111.

U.S. tests: 9 (10 devices)
Russian tests: 5 (14 devices)
British tests: 1
Total Yield: 23,092.01 kilotons (23.092 megatons).
The Details:
1956 - 'One Tree’ detonated atop a100 foot (31m) tower at Maralinga, South Australia at 7:30 GMT with a yield of 15 kilotons from the 'Red Beard' device during Operation ‘Buffalo.' 6th British test. Coordinates: -29.86876, 131.65927.
1962 - ‘181’ detonated 12,800 feet (3,900m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 8:03 GMT with a yield of 20 megatons after being air-dropped, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock. 174th Russian test. Coordinates: 74.3, 52.4.
1963 - ‘Carp’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,081 feet (329m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:20 GMT with a yield of 80 tons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Niblick, causing a 3.0 magnitude ground shock and venting 1,100 curies of Iodine-131. 337th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.03728, -116.01643.
1963 - ‘Narraguagus’ detonated in a vertical shaft 493 feet (150m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 17:30 GMT with a yield of 80 tons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Niblick, causing a 3.0 magnitude ground shock and venting 160 curies of radiation during drillback operations. 338th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.15473, -116.07423.
1967 - ‘Zaza’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,188 feet (667m) beneath Yucca Flat area U4 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 160 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Crosstie, causing a 5.7 magnitude ground shock and creating a 967 foot (295m) diameter subsidence crater. 517th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.09899, -116.05475.
1971 - ‘378,’ '379,' '380,' and '381' detonated in a tunnel 3,900 feet (1,200m) beneath Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya. at 05:59 GMT with a combined yield of 2.45 megatons from the 4 weapons development devices, causing a 6.67 magnitude ground shock. 345th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.393, 54.92.
1973 - ‘437’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,890 feet (880m) beneath Area A, Chyornaya Guba, Novaya Zemlya at 7:00 GMT with a yield of 180 kilotons from the fundamental science device, causing a 5.89 magnitude ground shock. 388th Russian test. Coordinates: 70.79267, 53.83384.
1977 - ‘Coulommiers’ detonated 1,740 feet (530m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Fulcrum, causing a 4.8 magnitude ground shock, creating a 754 foot (230m) diameter subsidence crater and venting Xenon from a ventilation line. 821st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.15112, -116.06843.
1978 - ‘602’, ‘603’, ‘604’, ‘605’, ‘606’, ‘607’, and ‘608’ (7 devices ) detonated simultaneously in a tunnel beneath Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya at 02:04 GMT with a combined yield of 60 kilotons from the 7 weapons development devices, causing a 5.63 magnitude ground shock. 499th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.349, 54.676.
1978 - ‘Cremino’ and ‘Cremino-Caerphilly’ detonated simultaneously in the same vertical shaft 690 feet (210m) beneath Yucca Flat area U8 at 16:30 GMT with a yield of 250 tons from the LLNL weapons development devices during Operation Cresset, causing a 3.4 magnitude ground shock. 842nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.17096, -116.08804.
1978 - ‘Draughts’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,448 feet (441m) beneath Yucca Flat area U7 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 25 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Cresset, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock and creating a 787 foot (240m) diameter subsidence crater. 843rd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.07382, -116.0207.
1978 - ‘Rummy’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,099 feet (639m) beneath Yucca Flat area U7 at 17:20 GMT with a yield of 150 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Cresset, causing a 5.8 magnitude ground shock and creating a 1,049 foot (320m) diameter subsidence crater. 844th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.07974, -116.05253.
1979 - ‘658’ detonated in a tunnel 2,238 (683m) beneath Degelen Mountain , Semipalatinsk Test Site at 4:13 GMT with a yield of 1.6 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 4.32 magnitude ground shock. 532nd Russian test.
1985 - ‘Ponil’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,197 feet (364m) beneath Yucca Flat area U7 at 14:15 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons from the LANL device as part of a weapons effects test during Operation Grenadier, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock. 968th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.08976, -116.00264.
1990 - ‘Ledoux’ detonated in a vertical shaft 955 feet (291m) beneath Yucca Flat area U1 at 18:02 GMT with a yield of < 20 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device as part of a nuclear-pumped laser experiment during Operation Aqueduct. 1038th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.00695, -116.05899.

U.S. tests: 2
Russian tests: 1
Total Yield: 26.3 kilotons
The Details:
1957 - ‘Charleston’ detonated beneath a tethered balloon 1,510 feet (460m) above Yucca Flat area B9 at 13:00 GMT with a yield of 12 kilotons from the LLNL small "clean" tactical 2-stage thermonuclear device during Operation Plumbbob. Device fizzled when second stage failed to fire. Predicted yield was 50-100 kilotons. The detonation spewed 1.8 million curies of Iodine-131 into the atmosphere. So much for clean. 114th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.1347, -116.0417
1958 - ‘Mars’ detonated in a tunnel 150 feet (42m) beneath Rainier Mesa at 00:00 GMT with a yield of 13 tons as part of a one-point safety test of the LLNL XW-48 during Operation Hardtack II. The W-48 was a small diameter linear implosion plutonium fueled device in a 155MM cannon shell with a yield of 72 tons. The test vented unknown type and quantity of radiation. It did fail the one-point safety test. 164th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.19301, -116.20131.
Side Note: 1,060 W-48 155MM artillery shells were produced between 1963 and 1969. They were retired in 1992 at the end of the Cold War.
1962 - ‘182’ detonated 2,280 feet (695m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site with a yield of 1.3 kilotons from the fundamental science device. 175th Russian test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.

U.S. tests: 7
Russian tests: 4 (5 devices)
Chinese tests: 2
Total Yield: 3,212 kilotons
The Details:
1954 - ‘11’ detonated 690 feet (210m) above Ground Zero, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of 200 tons. 10th Russia test. Coordinates: 50.4, 77.8.
1958 - ‘Mora’ detonated beneath a balloon1,510 feet (460m) above Yucca Flat area 7 at 14:05 GMT with a yield of 2 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Hardtack II, spewing 340,000 curies of radiation into the atmosphere. 165th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.0866, -116.0245.
1962 - ‘Allegheny’ detonated in a vertical shaft 692 feet (210m) beneath Yucca Flat area U9 at 17:00 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Storax, creating a subsidence crater 110 feet (34m) in diameter and venting 1,500 curies of Xenon from surface ground zero and during drillback operations. 279th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.11663, -116.03366.
1966 - ‘Newark’ detonated in a vertical shaft 750 feet (228m) beneath Yucca Flat area U10 at 14:45 GMT with a yield of 4 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Latchkey, causing a 4.1 magnitude ground shock, creating a 262 foot (80m) diameter subsidence crater and venting 290 curies of Xenon during drillback operations. 474th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.16862, -116.04693.
1968 - ‘Argon’ detonated in a tunnel at an unspecified depth beneath Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site with a yield of 60 kilotons as part of a weapons effects test, causing a 5.8 magnitude ground shock. 290th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.812, 78.1219.
1969 - An air-dropped thermonuclear device detonated over Area D (Drop Area), Lop Nur, China at 08:40 GMT over Lop Nur with a yield of 3 megatons, causing a 4.37 magnitude ground shock. 10th Chinese test. Coordinates: 40.722, 89.515.
1971 - ‘Pedernal’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,242 feet (378m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 14:00 GMT with a yield of 4 kilotons from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Grommet, causing a 4.4 magnitude ground shock. 681st U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.01101, -116.00809.
1971 - ‘Chantilly’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,085 feet (330m) beneath Yucca Flat area U2 at 14:30 GMT with a yield of < 20 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device. 682nd U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.12447, -116.08798.
1975 - ‘Gorizont-3’ detonated in a vertical shaft at an unspecified depth beneath Krasnoyarsk, Russia at 11:00 GMT with a yield of 7.6 kilotons as part of a seismic sounding test, causing a 4.8 magnitude ground shock. 428th Russian test. Coordinates: 69.578, 90.337.
1976 - ‘521’ and ‘522’ detonated simultaneously in a tunnel 1,300 feet (400m) beneath Area B, Matochkin Shar, Novaya Zemlya at 02:59 GMT with a combined yield of 130 kilotons from the two weapons development devices, causing a 5.83 magnitude ground shock. 449th Russia test. Coordinates: 73.36, 54.871.
1982 - ‘Borrego’ detonated in a vertical shaft 1,848 feet (563m) beneath Yucca Flat area U7 at 13:30 GMT with a yield of 1 kiloton from the LANL weapons development device during Operation Praetorian. 915th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.09123, -116.04546.
1983 - ‘Navata’ detonated in a vertical shaft 600 feet (182m) beneath Yucca Flat area U3 at 15:00 GMT with an unspecified yield from the LANL device as part of a one-point safety test during Operation Phalanx. 934th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.05338, -116.02109.
1988 - An enhanced radiation device (tactical neutron bomb) detonated in a tunnel beneath Area A (Nanshan), Lop Nur Test Site, China at 06:57 GMT with a yield of 3 kilotons, causing a 4.7 magnitude ground shock. 35th Chinese test. Coordinates: 41.725, 88.3588.

U.S. tests: 1
Russian tests: 6
Total Yield: 2,290 kilotons
The Details:
1958 - ‘Joe 56’ detonated 4,900 feet (1,500m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 07:50 GMT with a yield of 1.2 megatons from the weapons development device. 63rd Russian test. Coordinates: 73.75, 54.75.
1958 - 'Joe 57’ detonated 8,200 feet (2,500m) above Area C, Sukhoy Nos, Novaya Zemlya at 05:55 with a yield of 900 kilotons from the weapons development device. 64th Russian test. Coordinates: 73.4, 55.
1964 - ‘235’ detonated in a tunnel beneath Degelen Mountain, Semipalatinsk Test Site at an unspecified time with a yield of <20 kilotons as part of a fundamental science test. 228th Russian test. Coordinates: 49.81866, 78.07898.
1966 - ‘Urta-Bulak’ detonated in a vertical shaft 5,026 feet (1,532m) beneath Bukhara, Uzbekistan at 5:59 GMT with a yield of 30 kilotons to extinguish a high pressure natural gas well fire, causing a 5.1 magnitude ground shock. 255th Russian test. Coordinates: 39.2182, 64.56684.
Side Note: In December 1963, while drilling gas well #11 in the Urta-Bulak gas field in Southern Uzbekistan, control of the well was lost at a depth of 8,038 feet (2450m). This resulted in the loss of more than 12 million cubic meters of gas per day through an 8-inch casing, enough gas to supply the needs of a large city. Over the next three years, many attempts were made using a variety of techniques to cap the well at the surface or to reduce the flow and extinguish the flames. Nothing succeeded and it was then decided to use a nuclear explosive to squeeze close the gas well shaft. Two angled well shafts 13-1/2 inches in diameter were drilled to a depth of 5,026 feet (1,532m) close to the gas well shaft. A specially -designed 30 kiloton nuclear device was lowered into one shaft, sealed and detonated. Gas flow ceased 23 seconds later and the fire was extinguished.
1973 - ‘Sapfir-2’ detonated in a vertical shaft 3,757 feet (1,145m) beneath Orenburg, Russia at 05:00 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons as part of a cavity formation test, causing a 5.2 magnitude ground shock. 389th Russian test. Coordinates: 51.65132, 54.55261
1977 - ‘Galit’ detonated in a vertical shaft 4,900 feet (1,500m) beneath Atyrau, Kazakhstan at 06:59 GMT with a yield of 10 kilotons as part of a cavity formation test, causing a 5.0 magnitude ground shock. 470th Russian test. Coordinates: 47.89717, 48.16124.
1986 - ‘Labquark’ detonated in a vertical shaft 2,201 feet (605m) beneath Pahute Mesa area U19 at 22:30 GMT with a yield of 140 kilotons from the LLNL weapons development device during Operation Charioteer, causing a 5.6 magnitude ground shock and venting 16 curies of Xenon and Krypton during late time seepage between October and January 1987. 1986th U.S. test. Coordinates: 37.30003, -116.30831.